Intelligent Design, Panspermia and Ancient Astronauts. Looking at Richard Mooney, Colony
Earth (London: Granada 1974)
David Sivier
David Sivier
is another book, which I picked up recently in a secondhand bookshop
in Cheltenham. It's very much a product of time, the early '70s, when
there was a spate of books following von Daniken's blockbuster
Chariots of the Gods, as well as the growth of the New Age and
Fortean counterculture. Mooney follows von Daniken in claiming that
the deities of the world's religions were extraterrestrial space
travelers and that their scriptures, myths and legends preserve
memories of genuine, global ancient catastrophes. The blurb on the
back cover gives a warning of some of the book's claims in the
following questions:
What was the great catastrophe that the Bible calls the 'Flood'?Are the Egyptian pyramids giant air-raid shelters?Were the bearded 'White Gods' of the Incas survivors from a catastrophe across the Atlantic?Were the giant stone monuments of antiquity built with the aid of high explosives?
which the answer is obviously 'No'. Mooney, however, goes further
than von Daniken and argues that humanity itself, not just its gods,
came from elsewhere in the universe. The blurb also approvingly
quotes Publishers Weekly to recommend the book to readers of
von Daniken and Velikovsky:
For those readers impatient with the gaps in traditional science and theology, dissatisfied with both divine creation and evolutionary theory, Richard Moony offers a radical hypothesis... followers of von Daniken and Velikovsky will take it in their stride.
But it's also interesting for the way it also anticipates Intelligent
Design and, in particular, astronomers Fred Hoyle's and Chandra
Wickramasinghe's theories that life began elsewhere in the universe,
and was seeded throughout the cosmos by a guiding intelligence, in
their books Lifecloud, Diseases from Space and
Evolution from Space. And it also prefigures the idea of
Ronald Pearsall, a science teacher and colleague of radical
Spiritualist Michael Roll, that there is a cosmic intelligence
composed of subatomic particles that created humanity.
Mooney's introduction discusses the evidence for a highly advanced,
ancient civilisation that is now vanished using some of the classic
examples of ancient technology, such as the Baghdad battery, an
aluminium belt found in China and the gold plating carried out by the
Chimu of South America. This, he states, can only be replicated
through electroplating. He also cites crystal lenses from ancient
Sumer and Babylon. It has been claimed that The 'Baghdad battery' was
an early voltaic cell.
More recently it has been suggested that this
is correct, though this does not mean that the ancient Babylonians
were far more technologically advanced than previously known. It has
been argued instead that they are known to have treated people with
particular disorders with shocks from electric fish, like the Torpedo
fish. They therefore constructed the battery for use as a medical
instrument. If true, it does show that they did indeed know of
electricity. But it does not show that they also possessed other
advanced technological wonders, like electric lighting or computers.
Mooney then goes on from this to make rather more far-fetched claims.
Like the metal giant, Talos, created by Poseidon in ancient Greek
myth to guard the treasure of the kings of Crete, may have been a
robot. Or that the legends of serpents' eggs and magicians' wands
that produced fire were memories of hand grenades and rifles.
The first chapter discusses the place of our solar system in the
galaxy, and the two rival theories of its origin – that it was
either the result of a cosmic collision between the Sun and another
star, or that it and the Sun coalesced out of a nebula of gas and
dust. In subsequent chapters, the book goes on to suggest that the
best place for looking for planets with intelligent life is around
stars of a similar age or older to the Sun, that is G, K and M type
stars, and goes on to discuss the possibility that life existed
before Earth. It argues that life operates in complete reverse to
that of ordinary matter. While ordinary matter decays from the
complex to the former, life moves from the simple to the more
complex. It then suggests that DNA is similar to computer software
and so may have been the product of an intelligence. He states:
The discovery of DNA, with all its implications, was seized upon by believers as further proof of the existence of God. In the case of the computer, we know that someone has programmed the information onto the tape for it to act upon. Could it not be said, then, that as the computer has a programmer, the DNA helix also has a planner? Perhaps the concept of a 'vital force' which 'animates' chemical systems making them life systems, could be expressed in a different way (p. 23).
This is then followed by the theory, first proposed by the British
physicist, Sir Arthur Eddington, that there could be mental particle,
the mindon, similar to subatomic particles of matter, like the
neutrino. A professor at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand,
Lawdon, suggested that mind is a universal property of matter, and
physicist and astronomer V.A. Firsoff proposed that these mental
particles interacted to form 'mental entities' governing or
controlling purposeful action in organic chemical systems. It then
claims that the fossilised traces of life have been found in
meteorites, and that life may have been deliberately seeded on Earth
from elsewhere in the Solar system.
This idea goes back to the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, but was more
recently put forward by the Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius. One
of the strongest pieces of evidence for extraterrestrial life comes
from the meteorite that landed in Orgueil, France, in the 19th
century. This had 'organised structures', including collapsed spore
membranes and two mushroom shapes. There is therefore a possibility
that the Earth was seeded, purposefully or not, by intelligent
creatures from a lost planet, which broke up, creating the asteroid
belt. The book then discusses the evolutionary history of life on
Earth, and the mystery of what killed off the dinosaurs. This last is
supposed to have been a giant supernova explosion, but Mooney objects
to this on the grounds that if it killed off the dinosaurs, then why
didn't it kill off other reptiles?
The possibility that life exists elsewhere in the Solar system is
then discussed. The book shows that Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto won't be the home of life. It is unknown whether
there is life on Mars, as although organic compounds have been
discovered from spectral analysis of its light, the photographs from
the Mariner probes show that it is more like the Moon than Earth. It
also proposes three alternative models of the surface of Venus. One
is of a hot desert under perpetual clouds of carbon dioxide; a world
covered with seas and life-forms similar to those of Earth's
Paleozoic, or, alternatively, Venus is covered with oceans of
petroleum formed by condensed hydrocarbons.
In the next chapter, Mooney debates the possibility that humanity
came from outside the Solar system, mentioning the possible evidence
from UFOs and that we may have been visited by automated probes. More
out of place objects are also cited as evidence that we may have been
visited millions of years ago by an extraterrestrial civilisation.
This includes Dr. Gurlt's Cube, a rectangular chunk of metal 67 mm by
47 mm, which was found in a mine in Silesia in 1887. It then cites
Dr. Lipp, von Hoerner, Carl Sagan and S.S. Huang that
extraterrestrial civilisations may be found and communicating
relatively close by in the Galactic neighbourhood – 100 to 1,000
light years, and that there might be 5 – 8 billion inhabited worlds
in the Galaxy. He also returns to Firsoff's idea that mind may be a
fundamental property of the universe. Firsoff suggested that the
universe may be alive, and the Galaxy a living entity operating on
nuclear rather than biological principles 'beyond our awareness and
comprehension'. Mooney goes on to say
We could therefore postulate that an intelligent physical life
form arose on a planet of a star near the galactic nucleus. How this
form arose we are unable to say – perhaps there was some
kind of 'divine creation'. Perhaps it arose only once, in human form
(which seems remarkably well designed as a functional,
machine-building organism), or there may be other, nonhuman
reaching a sufficient level of progress so that space travel could be
commenced, this intelligent life form spread outward through the
galaxy, traveling from suitable star to suitable star, and leaving
some of its members on habitable planets or planets that could be
made habitable, in the hope that they would take root and survive.
(p. 47).
This chapter also cites the great Russian scientist and rocket
pioneer, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who said that colonisation rather
than evolution may have been the major factor in the spread of life
in the universe.
The next chapter then ponders the question whether Earth has been
colonised. Mooney states that we are at the 'dug-out canoe level' of
space travel at the moment, and considers various methods by which a
spacecraft could travel to other stars. This needs massively more
powerful propulsion systems, such as nuclear or ion engines. Time
dilation at velocities near the speed of light would keep the crew
young, as decades or centuries passed on Earth. Other solutions
include ark ships, where generations of people are born and die
during the voyage, and suspended animation. Other, more exotic forms
of transport and interstellar communication are also considered, like
faster than light and warp drives, as well as telepathy and
teleportation. But there may also be problems for interstellar
colonists. The machinery and other advanced technology aboard their
ship may become worn out and fail to be replaced, to the point where
they may become unable to produce items like guns and shells. But as
pioneers on a new world, they would only need the simplest technology
and skills – weaving, pottery and candle-making. The first human
colonists on this world, thus equipped, would have found transistors,
printed circuits and lasers to be as mysterious as they would to a
Roman soldier.
Human evolution is then tackled in chapters with the titles 'The
Evolution Hoax' and 'The Myth of the Apeman'. The argument here is
that biologically modern humanity appeared suddenly, 40,000 years
ago, and is very different and far more advanced than its hominid
predecessors, the australopithecines, while there is a long gap of 7
million years between the disappearance of Dryopithecus, the Miocene
ape believed ancestral to the hominid line, and the next pre-human
ancestor, Ramapithecus. Mooney notes that there are no pre-human
ancestors found in the Americas and elsewhere outside of Africa, but
dismisses the theory that humanity evolved in Africa and later
migrated to the other continents. He discards this on the ground that
they would be moving from a warmer to a colder climate before they
had yet learned to make clothes, and thus would have died of exposure
during the Ice Ages.
He also argues, contra Darwinian evolutionary theory, that the
gradual accumulation of mutations could have been sufficient to
produce the necessary physiological and mental differences between
humans and prehumans. He points to chimpanzees, stating that they
have been around longer than humanity, and asking why they haven't
advanced to a comparable level. He once again turns to von Daniken
for answers, who asked why there are no chimpanzees in trousers. It
is because they never possessed the capability to evolve into humans.
The old image of the Neanderthal as an unintelligent, shambling
creature is attacked and overturned. Mooney argues that Neanderthals
were intelligent beings. As for Cro Magnon people, they were taller
with larger brains than modern humans. He discusses the great skill
of the cave artists of the palaeolithic and the fact that even at
this remote epoch they appear to have worn well-tailored clothes,
with men shaving and cutting their hair. Mooney once again follows
von Daniken and asks why it is that human intelligence first appears
35,000 years ago, but it has only been in the last 6,000 years that
there has been a sudden rise in the construction of cities,
mathematics, agriculture, irrigation and medicine, concluding that
von Daniken's proposal that humanity was shown all this by aliens
'has much to recommend it'. He also claims that myths across the
globe not only show gods descending from the sky, but that humanity
also possessed the power of flight, leading to the possibility that
there was at one time an advanced, global civilisation. Part of the
evidence in support of this is that the remains have been found in
Alaska of pre-Inuit urban centres.
The book subsequently develops the idea that there was indeed such an
advanced civilisation, memories of which are preserved in the myths
of Atlantis and Lemuria as well as the Bible and the great texts of
other religions, like the Mahabharata in Hinduism. This great
civilisation was destroyed not by an Ice Age, but by a global
catastrophe. This would not, however, have been caused by the impact
of a comet or the close passage of Venus, as suggested by Velikovsky,
C. Beaumont or Hans Hoerbiger. He cites the evidence for mass
extinctions of animals like the mammoth and for a change in climate
when areas now deserts were flourishing, concluding that something
occurred to upset the world's axial tilt. This was caused by a great
flood, as described in the story of Noah in the Bible and in the
legends and myths of other religions.
The book goes on to discuss the origins of the different human races,
Blacks, Caucasians and Asians. These may have evolved separately
according to the different conditions on different planets, or they
may also have evolved in different regions on Earth. He notes that
racism and racial consciousness has only appeared recently. On the
other hand, he cites the myth of Viracocha among the Incas and the
Saiyam Unicob of the Maya to argue that the founders of these South
America cultures were White. He also claims that this is shown by the
skeletons of the rulers of the ancient South American pre-Inca
civilisation of the Chimu at their capital, Chan-Chan. The story of
the Garden of Eden refers to the idyllic condition of the whole world
before the Flood. South American legends are also cited to claim that
the ancient civilisation was also remembered as possessing electric
Ancient mapmakers, like those who created the Piri Reis map, were
also aware of the geography of parts of the world, which they could
not possibly have known according to contemporary wisdom. And the
ancient astrologers were also aware of the as yet unknown 'odique'
rays coming from the sun, as suggested by the French astrologer
Michael Auphan. On the other hand, the global catastrophe recorded as
Noah's Flood is different from that which destroyed Atlantis. This
was caused by the eruption of Thera, which not only destroyed the
Minoan civilisation, but also produced the 12 plagues that afflicted
Egypt in the story of Exodus. Among the causes he considers for the
global Flood is the possibility that the Earth may have been shifted
in its orbit by an anti-gravity engine. Ancient civilisations could
also have used anti-gravity devices to levitate the great stones they
used to build monuments like Stonehenge and the other megalithic
monuments, the great Inca city of Sacsayhuaman and the great pyramid
of Cheops. He also cites the 'Brahma weapon' described in the
Mahabharata, which produced smoke like 10,000 suns, and caused
terrible gales and sickness in people and animals for days
afterwards, while the sun, stars and sky were hidden by clouds and
violent storms as a description of a nuclear war.
The description of God in the Bible and other religious texts
actually describes an extraterrestrial visitor, a space god. It was
these alien gods, who inflicted the great catastrophe on humanity as
a punishment for their rebellion. The cave people discovered by
archaeologists were thus not primitives, but the survivors of this
catastrophe, who had been forced to return to a primitive state.
The emergence of the ancient civilisations across the world that for
conventional archaeologists and historians mark the beginning of
history and civilisation Mooney considers just a restoration by the
survivors of the ancient flood. He supports this by claiming that the
ancient cultures of Sumeria, the Minoans and Egypt in the Old World,
and the Incas, Maya and Toltecs in the New suddenly appeared without
any predecessors. He also draws on ancient myths of these
civilisations being founded by gods from across the seas – Poseidon
for ancient Crete, Quetzalcoatl for the Maya, to argue that their
founders were groups of survivors from northern Europe, who had fled
south and west to escape the destruction. He also attempts to explain
the differences between these cultures by suggesting that they
gradually forgot some of the common elements derived from the
ancient, antediluvian culture as time went on.
Drawing on the work of the archaeologists and prehistorians
investigating Stonehenge, like Alexander Thom and Gerald Hawkins,
Mooney concurs that the great stone circles were indeed ancient
astronomical observatories and computers. These can measure the
Earth-Moon-Sun distance with great accuracy. From this, Mooney argues
that they Stonehenge and the rest of them were built as one large
stone computer system spreading across continents in order to measure
the Earth's new axial tilt after the catastrophe. He also identifies
the ancient Hyperboreans mentioned in the Greek myths as the ancient
British. Following the suggestion of an American researcher that
Stonehenge was built to be seen from above, like the Native American
serpent mound in Ohio, the book goes on to claim that the ancient
Brits did so because they had aircraft. This is based on another
piece from ancient Greek literature, whose author, Abaris, claimed he
had flown in 'Apollo's arrow'. This is interpreted as a description
of an airplane. Mooney is also unconvinced by suggestions how
Stonehenge and the other monuments could have been built by cultures
that had only the most primitive technology. This was impossible, and
the reason why nobody has ever found the remains of the rollers and
other engineering works needed to move the building materials is
because they never existed. Instead the stones were brought to the
site and moved into position using anti-gravity technology.
The book then follows C. Beaumont in claiming that the passage graves
– the long barrows built at the same time as the henge monuments –
were shelters based on a passage in Isaiah ordering the Israelites to
go to shelters to avoid God's wrath. He notes the presence of fires
and cooking materials in these graves and sees them as evidence that
people were living in them, not that they were provisions left for
the dead for their journey to the other world. Noting how strongly
they were built, Mooney argues that they were fallout shelters. The
presence of human remains within them does show they were also used
as tombs, but this was afterwards by the survivors, possibly because
by the time the catastrophe had passed the chambers had acquired
religious meaning.
The pyramids, so the book argues, were similarly built as massive air
raid shelters and not as tombs for the pharaohs. He claims that there
is little real evidence that they contained human remains, and that
the claims that they did so are based on rock-cut tombs in the Valley
of the Kings. Discussing the Great Pyramid of Cheops, he states that
neither the ancient Greek historian Herodotus nor the ancient
Egyptian historian, Manetho, mention a king of this name. Mooney
cites instead an Arab historian, Masudi, who claimed that they were
built before the flood by a king called Surid. He then describes the
structure of the pyramids, noting that they had air shafts and
elevated entrances. These would have provided the people sheltering
within them with ventilation, and prevented the flood waters getting
in. As with the Stonehenge and the tumuli of neolithic and Bronze Age
Europe, he claims that it was simply beyond the ancient Egyptians'
ability to construct them using copper or bronze tools. Therefore,
like the passage graves, they were built using highly advanced
technology. They cut the rocks with laser beams, and hauled them into
position with anti-gravity devices.
Moving on to the great civilisations of South America, Mooney
similarly argues that they were built by survivors of the ancient
flood using advanced technology. He states that the Incas had no
written language, but acknowledges that the Aztecs had a pictorial
alphabet while the Maya had a system of glyphs. He goes on to claim
that there are no indigenous South American epics like the Odyssey,
nor kings comparable to those of the ancient Egyptians. He also
argues from the carbon dating of wooden remains found in Maya ruins
that they are far older than the convention dating of AD 700. He then
describes the massive and impressive construction of Tiahuanaco on
Lake Titicaca and the Inca fortress as Sacsayhuaman. He claims that
by the time they were discovered by Europeans, the indigenous peoples
had forgotten who built them. He finds this incredible, and that it
contradicts mainstream historians' view that they were built by the
Incas or a similar indigenous civilisation. He also argues that the
Incas' road system was established long before they came to power,
and was appropriated by them as one of their own achievements.
Examining some of the structures in Tiahuanaco that were used as a
calendar, the book cites various scholars, who claimed that these
gave the true date for the construction of the city to about 9,300 to
14,600 years ago.
Mooney is also impressed by the workmanship of other artifacts from
South America, like the very fine needlework of ancient textiles,
which cannot be replicated by modern mechanical weaving. He follows
von Daniken in believing the Nazca lines of the Atacama desert were
constructed to be seen from above. He is also impressed by tiny
golden beads, less than a pinhead in size, which were also
constructed by another South American culture. He notes the Mayas'
highly advanced mathematics, and claims that the Chimu were highly
sophisticated doctors and surgeons, who knew how to manufacture
artificial limbs. Because these are shown on their monuments,
allegedly. Altogether he concludes that these great engineering feats
were beyond the ability of their supposed builders using the tools
they are commonly believed to have had, and so, like the pyramids of
Egypt and the long barrows of Europe, they had to have been built
with advanced technology. The differences between these cultures also
arose for the same reasons as those between the rest of the ancient
civilisations as a whole. As time went on, the individual
civilisations forgot those parts of their culture which they shared
with the other groups of survivors, and developed others that they
inherited, so that the differences gradually increased.
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The book then attempts to expand on its argument that the original
culture-bearers, the legendary founders of the South American
civilisations, were indeed bearded White men. It discusses and
discards the theory that the similarities between the great South
American civilisations and that of Europe and the Middle East were
due to colonists from Atlantis or the migration of lost tribes of
ancient Hebrews, as described by the Book of Mormon. Mooney does,
however, consider that there is still a possibility that some
Amerindian cultures may have been descended from the ancient
Israelites. He claims that in ancient Rome and Egypt, the possession
of White skin and reddish hair was a sign of nobility. He also cites
other scholars of South American mythology to show that the great
culture heroes of the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl, the Maya, Kukulcan, and
the Incas, Viracocha, were all White. The term Viracocha is still
used by the Amerindian peoples of Peru to describe White men.
Viracocha supposedly was not only White, but also had something like
a European tonsure and carried a book with clasps. This is
remarkable, considering that books were unknown in the West in 2000
BC, when writing materials consisted of clay tablets or were
inscribed on stone blocks instead of paper.
He also claims that ancient Andean legends show that these White men
intermarried with local women and then were driven out by their
mixed-race children, who became the first kings, and claims that the
Conquistadors found that some Incas had lighter skin and reddish hair
like Europeans, rather than Amerindians. This part of the book says
that some Europeans believed that these White gods were appearances
by Christ, but he rejects that, claiming that the appearance of these
deities predate Jesus. He has no doubt, however, that these White
gods were actually real people, the survivors of the global
catastrophe, restoring civilisation after everything had lapsed into
barbarism. He also notes that these gods are described as 'bringers
of light' and are associated with 'cities of light', and that
Jerusalem in the Old Testament and the Book of Revelations is
described as a city of light. He believes this shows that both the
ancient Hebrew and the South American civilisations had a common
The final chapter 'Gods and Men' argues that all the world's myth and
religions have essentially the same structure. This is that humanity
was placed here by beings from the sky and given dominion over the
Earth. Humanity then rebels, like Lucifer in Christianity and
Judaism, and is duly punished by a great disaster, including a
devastating flood. These myths preserve the memory of real events, in
which humanity came here from the stars. However, humanity rebelled
and was punished by its extraterrestrial overlords. The Bible is an
especially accurate record of these events. The story of Exodus
accurately describes in mythological terms the eruption of Thera near
Crete and the subsequent plagues this event inflicted on ancient
Ezekiel's vision of the flying creatures and something that looked
like wheels within wheels is a description of an encounter with a
real UFO, as is his description of being taken to a chamber where
special robes were needed. This is interpreted by Mooney as
suggesting that he was taken to an extraterrestrial base, where
special protective clothing was required because of radioactivity. A
description elsewhere in ancient Near Eastern legend of a traveller
gaining weight the closer he was taken to heaven describes the
effects of the G forces they experienced during their flight. The
scapegoat motif is also common to all religions, and appears in
Christianity as the death of Christ. Christ's death and resurrection
is part of the same mythological trope that sees the sun as dying
each evening only to be reborn the next day. This anxiety about the
sun's disappearance dates from the fear caused by its disappearance
during the nuclear war and subsequent flood. The ritual washing that
is also a part of so many of the world's religions also dates from
the catastrophe, and the need to clean clothes and other objects of
radioactive contamination.
The book ends with a 'Concluding Word', stating that if the world
really did suffer a horrendous disaster in antiquity that caused
civilisation to vanish into barbarism, we are faced with a similar
situation where, due to our foolishness, we could thrust ourselves
back into ten thousand years of savagery.
The book's now very dated, and it's central idea – that the ancient
gods were alien spacemen – has suffered from the attacks on von
Daniken's works in such books as Crash Go the Chariots. His
archaeological arguments also run against the facts. Some of his
ideas have been disproven by later discoveries, which he could not
possibly have known about, but some of them were well known at the
time he was writing. And some of the statements he asserts as fact
are simply wrong.
For example, Cheops is most definitely mentioned by Herodotus as the
builder of the Great Pyramid. While it is, or was, a matter of debate
how the great stones were lifted into position, there's no doubt that
it was done by human workers. The pioneering Egyptologist Flinders
Petrie himself excavated the worker's town of Kahun, and the
archaeologist John Romer has written about another village occupied
by craftsmen working on the pyramids, Deir el-Medina. And in 1990 the
necropolis containing the workers' graves was also discovered. Scenes
of everyday life inside Egyptian tombs also show workers hauling
stone blocks from the quarries. And I'm fairly certain one of the
archaeological programmes screened on British TV in recent years also
proudly showed a tomb painting of ramps being used to haul the blocks
into position as proof that the pyramids were definitely not built
through anti-gravity or any other kind of super advanced technology.
The evolution of the pyramids from ordinary tombs through step
pyramids to their characteristic, fully triangular type, is also well
understood. As is the change in architectural materials, as the
Egyptians switched from largely wooden buildings to stone.
Likewise, the book is quite wrong when it claims that the ancient
civilisations suddenly appeared out of nowhere without any
predecessors. The origins of civilisation are still being explored,
and the discovery of Gobekli Tepe earlier this century has shown that
it appeared earlier than previously considered, as well as
challenging the assumption that urbanisation and agriculture
developed together. But the great civilisations of Egypt and
Mesopotamia were preceded by the establishment of settled villages
and farming in the Natufian in Egypt, and at Jarmo in Iraq, for
example. I also believe that archaeologists in the Americas have also
found village settlements that preceded the great civilisations on
those continents. But if the book ignores some pieces of
well-established archaeology, it makes up others. I have not heard of
any urban centres having been discovered in Alaska, that predate the
Inuit. I don't think they exist. However, the Aleutian people at its
eastern tip used to live in wooden lodges half-buried beneath the
snow. Perhaps Mooney came across a garbled description about their
settlements, or became confused himself, and so made the claim based
on this, very much existing Native American people.
The book is almost certainly correct when it claims that Stonehenge
and the other, similar stone circles in megalithic Europe were
ancient astronomical observatories. That's now accepted archaeology.
However, the idea that the long barrows were air raid shelters is
still wrong. They were indeed tombs, though archaeologists have
recently suggested that they were also sites of religious ritual as
well. Fires were lit outside their entrances and the bones themselves
seem to have been handled. This was possibly as part of shamanic
ceremonies to allow the community direct contact with their ancestors
in the afterlife.
Back to the supposed similarity between the great civilisations of
South America and Egypt, these are, as very many people have said,
more apparent than real. Yes, the Egyptians and Mayans built
pyramids, but before the invention of the arch, this was only the way
to build extremely large structures. And I'm also certain that the
development of the Aztec pyramid from its more primitive predecessors
is also well understood. But the book's focus on these cultures and
those of the Near East also shows how it excludes facts that would
cast doubt on its own theories. The civilisations of China and Asia
are just as ancient, but with the exception of the Indian Mahabharata
and the flying ships – Vimanas – of the Hindu scriptures, these
are ignored. This is possibly because they and their architecture are
so markedly different from those of the Middle East, although the
Harappan civilisation certainly had links to ancient Mesopotomia.
He's also wrong when he says that the South American civilisations
have no epics comparable to the Odyssey, and no kings to rival those
of Egypt. He writes this while citing the Popul Vuh, the Mayan holy
book that describes how their civilisation and its royal lineages
were founded by the gods. And yes, these civilisations certainly did
have their kings equal to those of the Old World, like the great Inca
emperors, the Aztecs and the Maya. The Maya glyphs have long been
decoded and read, and shocked the scholars who did so. Previously the
Maya were believed to be a peaceful, agricultural people. The
translated inscriptions, on the contrary, revealed a long history of
war and dynastic intrigue between the competing kings and their
cities. More recent theories also challenge the idea that the Inca
quipu is simply an accounting tool. They're actually a form of
writing, and the surviving quipus doubtless contains epics and other
works of literature, which we cannot yet read. And like the ancient
Egyptians, the techniques they used to carve and fit the great stone
blocks for their ancient cities and monuments are also known. The
Incas, for example, used round hammer stones. These have been found
discarded in rivers, and also in ancient salt mines, where the salt
has also preserved the leather thongs used to suspend larger stones
for use as battering rams against the rock.
And this reveals the central, chauvinistic, even racist premise at
the heart of the book. All the ancient astronaut theories are based
on the belief that ancient peoples were too stupid to build their
great architectural monuments or discover civilisation for
themselves. And this is compounded by the book's proposal that the
great culture heroes were all White. It's true that Quetzalcoatl,
Kukulcan and Viracocha were described as White in the religions of
the Aztecs, Mayas and Inca. However, the ancient Egyptians depicted
their men, including the pharaohs, as reddish brown, and their women
as yellow, and even sometimes portrayed themselves as black. They did
not portray themselves as White, and used pink for the skin colour of
non-Egyptian, European peoples like the Minoans. Similarly, I don't
doubt that the founders of the ancient South American civilisations
were indigenous Amerindians. Some of the archaeologists exploring the
great civilisations there have appeared on recent documentary series,
like BBC 4's Lost Civilisations of South America. These have
discussed the Chimu and shown the remains of people from its capital,
Chan-Chan. And they weren't White, but Amerindian.
Then there are the larger claims. Yes, many cultures have stories
about a global flood, but scholars have long since given up the idea
that there was a single flood covering the entire world. Rather,
these myths are probably based on the individual cultures' experience
of disastrous flooding. And some scholars believe that the story of
Noah's flood in the Bible, and related stories in ancient Greek and
Babylonian myth, may well have been inspired by the catastrophic
flooding of the Black Sea many thousands of years before. The book
may well be right about the eruption of Thera causing the twelve
Biblical plagues of Egypt. There have been books published in more
recent years proposing this. However, there are real objections to
his argument that the world's myths all share the same basic
structure. There are similarities across cultures, and themes
certainly can recur in widely different peoples separated from each
other by thousands of miles.
But the world's religions can also be very different. Some of the
supposed similarities between Christianity and indigenous religions,
such as those of Africa, may be due to the unconscious bias of the
first anthropologists and other scholars to record them. Many of them
were Christians, and some were missionaries and other clergy, and
they may have been so struck by some similarities between their own
faith and those of the peoples they studied, that they unconsciously
gave excessive emphasis to them and ignored the differences. As for
the common theme that humanity has fallen from its previous close
relationship with God or the gods, this is probably an attempt to
deal with the existential question of why death and suffering exists,
rather than a memory of some ideal society in which humanity lived in
harmony with its extraterrestrial overlords. Religious scholars have
also rejected the idea that Christ's death and resurrection is
derived from the dying and rising gods of the Ancient Near East or
were a vestige of a solar cult.
Of the two theories of the origin of the solar system he discusses,
astronomers now believe that it coalesced out a nebula. Probes to
Venus has shown that it is indeed a ferociously hot desert with
sulphuric acid clouds and rain. There may be microbial life on Mars,
but the organic compounds detected by the spectrascopes may be due to
light from the planet passing through our atmosphere, and picking up
the signature of organic chemicals this contains. And there is the
possibility that life exists on several of the moons of Jupiter and
Saturn in oceans under their mantle of ice, warmed by deep sea vents
or tidal heating.
There are also serious problems with his arguments against evolution.
He's probably right that the Neanderthals were far more advanced than
nineteenth century biologists believed. Certainly many
palaeoanthropologists believe they used jewelry, and hence understood
symbolic culture, looked after their aged and buried their dead with
respect, suggesting that they had ideas about an afterlife. They also
were fascinated by eagle's wings and may have had a religion centred
around cave bears. Some other scholars have also controversially
doubted that random mutation can account for evolutionary change.
Apart from Creationists and those associated with the Intelligent
Design movement, like Dr. Michael Behe, these include Fred Hoyle and
Chandra Wickramasinghe and the American physicist, Dr. Lee Spetner.
Spetner lays out his arguments against it in Not By Chance:
Shattering the Modern Theory of Evolution, while Hoyle And
Wickramasinghe do the same in Evolution from Space. Hoyle and
Wickramasinghe also suggest that the genetic elements for life came
here from space.
It's true that organic chemicals have been found in meteorites, the
carbonaceous chondrites, and organic grains exist in the nebulae
between the stars. It is also possible that some of these meteorites
may have contained the fossils of living organisms, such as the
Martian meteorite recovered from Antarctica which caused such a stir
in the mid-'90s. This was extremely controversial, though I think
some scholars still believe that the microfossils it supposedly
contained are those of real organisms, rather than geological
artifacts. However, the orgueil meteorite is less suitable as
evidence, as I think it was stored in someone's fridge or larder, and
actually dropped into a tub of butter or margarine before it was
examined for signs of life. It's therefore heavily contaminated with
the remains of terrestrial organic products. As for the origin of
these meteorites, the asteroids probably aren't the remains of a
destroyed planets, but debris left over from the creation of the
solar system, which did not coalesce into the planets.
The book is also similar to those of the Creationists in stressing
the differences rather than similarities between anatomically modern
humans and their pre-human ancestors. It's certainly believed that
the anthropoid lineage is derived from a Miocene ape that lived in
the forests of Africa about 8 million years ago. However, as the BBC
admitted in their show on the evolution of humanity, Walking with
Cavemen, there's no direct evidence for it and the creature was
not shown. It was just suggested through a brisk movement behind the
trees. The austrolopithecines were, I believe, more primitive and
apelike than scholars at the time of the book's publication believed.
The Creationists also have cast doubt on whether some of the
anthropoid creatures were in fact humanity's remote ancestors, like
'Lucy', discovered by Richard Leakey and his team. However, there
were many more prehuman hominids than the book discusses. Mooney
cites only australopithecus and the Neanderthals. But there were many
others, including a direct ancestor, Homo Erectus, and Homo
Heidelbergensis, who may have been the common ancestor of Homo
Sapiens and the Neanderthals.
But humanity's evolutionary history has become more complex in recent
years, as related species of ancient hominid, which lived at the same
time as humanity's remote evolutionary ancestors, have been
discovered. Some scholars have said the model of human evolution is
so confused it looks less like a tree than a bush. The out of Africa
theory certainly seems to account very satisfactorily for the origins
and spread of humanity, especially as it is supported by recent
genetic research. As for chimpanzees not evolving to the same level
as humanity, this can also be explained by conventional evolutionary
theory. Creatures evolve as they adapt to their particular
environments or ecological niches, if I understand it correctly.
Chimps don't occupy the same ecological niche, or were subjected to
the same environmental pressures that led to the evolution of humans.
They remained in the forest, and so have evolved to be chimps, not
people. Similarly, Blacks, Whites and Asians are all members of Homo
Sapiens. They did not evolve from separate hominid lineages, nor on
different planets, but are adaptations to the different environments
on Earth.
As for space travel and colonisation, he correctly describes some of
the problems. The book seems to have come before the Bussard
interstellar ramjet was proposed. This would solve some of the
problems surrounding the use of suitable fuel for interstellar
spacecraft by using the gas and dust between the stars. However, it
also has serious problems which may make this impossible, although
these may in time be solved. See Mallove and Matlock, The
Starflight Handbook. But this section of the book is also
contradictory regarding the technological level of the first
colonists. It argues that they would first land on a new planet
needing only very simple skills and technology, before claiming that
in the case of Earth's extraterrestrial pioneers, the colonists had a
very high technology, which was lost due to their rebellion against
their extraterrestrial masters. It's possible that if the first
colonists interstellar colonists at first only had Neolithic level
technology when they arrived at their new world, subsequent waves of
colonisation and succeeding ships would have more advanced
technologies, which could lead to the emergence of a far more
advanced technological culture. But the book doesn't discuss this
And then there's the book's mystical speculation that the universe
itself possesses life and mind. It's a form of mystical pantheism,
and so may well appeal to that section of the New Age community which
has the same pantheistic inclinations. The mindons – the subatomic
particle of mind, suggested by Sir Arthur Eddington and V.A. Firsoff
– is interesting. It rather resembles the monads of Leibniz. These
were the great seventeenth century philosopher's alternative to the
materialistic atoms then being debated by contemporary scientists.
The monads also contained elements of mind, with the human soul as
one of the leading monads.
The theory also sounds, however, like an attempt to reformulate the
elan vital of vitalists to the new paradigm of atomic physics
after the existence of the ether was disproved by the
Mitchelson-Morley experiment. But the mindon is also an attempt to
solve a philosophically respectable question: how can inert matter
give rise to life and consciousness? For the materialist, the
solution is simply that life arises as a natural result of physical
law. Cartesian dualists solve the problem by suggesting that
consciousness and matter are two separate, but linked substances. And
a third solution is dual aspect monism, which states that matter and
consciousness/spirit are merely two aspects of the same substance.
The mindon and the idea that the universe itself possesses mind and
consciousness seem have much in common with this latter philosophical
Time has moved on since this book's publication, and those of von
Daniken and the others that started and fueled the ancient astronaut
craze. But the book is fascinating for what it shows of the mystical
views of some of its believers and advocates. Way back in the 1990s
Gareth Medway, a long time contributor to Magonia, wrote a
fascinating article arguing that the ancient astronaut myth was a way
that some people could reinterpret the Judaeo-Christian religious
tradition so that they continued to believe in godlike beings – the
space people – even after losing faith in a purely supernatural
creator. There is certainly more than an element of that here.
The book argues that the universe itself may be conscious, and thus
the creator of life. Humanity's interstellar cousins, who colonised
Earth, aren't gods, but almost had divine powers. The Fall was a
literal event, although it was humanity's rebellion against and
subsequent punishment by these aliens. It also shows how Creationist,
anti-Darwinist views were also shared by those, who otherwise
rejected a literal interpretation of Genesis and perhaps the entire
Judaeo-Christian religious tradition. These ideas are similar to the
directed panspermia idea of evolution of Hoyle and Wickramasinghe,
which then influenced, or at least anticipated, a section of the
Intelligent Design movement. And it demonstrates the strength of the
feeling many people continue to have that humanity ultimately has its
origins in the heavens, even in the increasingly secular and
atheistic societies of the West.